Tuesday 17 May 2011

Maths Performance Task Reflection

What I have learnt from this performance task, are many skills and new knowledge, most of which I have not learn before. This skills and new knowledge include:

- Statistics:

 Statistics is basically a piece of information represented or portrayed in different methods. A good example of this is the statistics of the growth of the company's bond or shares. This is necessary as the data can be viewed easily, by any age, any gender and any language. Numbers are also often cross-language, so it is still easily to read a well organized piece of information in whatever form. The type of methods are: Bar graph, pictogram, histogram, line graph and pie chart. Further detail will be touched about them below.

- Bar Graph

  A bar graph, also known as a bar chart, is a graph with bars that are rectangular in shape, with their size and length corresponding to the values they represent on the graph, which are along the x and y axis. The bar chart can be plotted both horizontally and vertically. Bar charts are used for plotting discrete data. This refers to data which is not constant or continuous. A bar chart is very useful if you are trying to record certain information whether it is continuous or not continuous data. Bar charts also look a lot like a histogram.They are often mistaken for each other. An example of bar graph may be the amount of money spent amongst different people.

- Pictogram

  A pictogram is using pictures to represent a certain number of items, and, as there are more items, the greater the value of the item. The items are normally horizontally, and as they go to the side, there are more items, it increases, along with the value. There are legends that represent what the value of an item is. An Example of this would be an apple means 5 apples. It is most useful for recording low amounts of things, and displaying it in a pictorial form mostly for children to visualize it easily.

- Histogram

  A histogram is almost like a bar graph / bar chat, but it’s rectangular bars are connected, besides that, almost everything else is the same.

- Line Graph

  A line graph, is mostly used for representing business-like things, especially stocks. The layout of the x and y axis is mostly like the bar graph and histogram, only that a line progresses, from the left to the right, as it goes higher, the value increases, if it goes lower, the value decreases. 

- Pie Chart

  A pie chart is normally used to measure percentage of an object, or a fraction. A pie chart is always a circle, and it has 360 degrees in the center as it is the circle. Using this, you can easily find out the percentage or fraction of an object. Pie chart, in real life is normally used for representing sales of different items.

In Real Life:

  In real life, during lessons like science, I can use different methods of plotting to find how the pattern works. Also, when I grow up next time, I could use this for business, etc.


The strengths of the group, well are the strong team work, and the cohesiveness, since we are quite friends, and know each other well.


The cons of the group, are the sometimes lack of focus among the members, and also different opinions which can lead to argument, so from this, we learnt to respect each other more.


Support by giving thoughts, ideas and suggestions.


Arguments because of different opinions, however we would try our best to sort it out, as to not hinder our progress.

What I would do differently if I did this task again:

I would, most importantly, learn to communicate and try to communicate effectively with my group members in order to not cause unnecessary conflict.

Final Reflection:

  Throughout the entire performance task, the two skills which I learnt, which I think is the most important, is team work and the ability to use different things which are more adapted to the situation and different times. Team work is necessary, without a working team, our team would be severely handicapped and would not have coped well. The other thing, is to learn to differentiate when to use things. Would you transport goods by ship, airplane or land? It makes you think it different perspectives, as would transporting goods by airplane be to costly? Would transporting goods by ship ruin them? It is truly a great life skill to learn what to do at the right time.

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